Welcome to my second home! Another comfort zone! My comfort room (har har har)! That is inside my vehicle!
My friend, Churchill Ampalayo is really great at taking good shots with his camera! We worked together in a USAID project back in 2005 and my vehicle was brand new then. He playfully asked while we were on our way to the project sites, "Angie, is it ok if I take pictures of you driving"? "Ok" I said "and make me look like I am seriously driving like a pro".
My CD player in the car plays Josh Groban, Andrea Bocelli and Jed Madela (local artist) music most of the time. Their music relaxes me and the songs are so powerfully romantic, e.g. even if I do not understand many Italian and Spanish words. Jed has the most fascinating interpretations of some of my favorite old songs. One is "The Impossible Dream". Josh, Andrea and Jed are always with me, the moment I stepped inside the vehicle.
Here I am cruising the streets of downtown Davao. 

I like driving over bridges. I am fascinated at the sight of the flowing river or the sea and trees lining it. Bridges in Davao are not that elaborate and grand but just the same they are bridges (I fancy). At this particular bridge, children living near the river really have some good time jumping from the top of the bridge down to the river. Great and spectacular, but really dangerous!


That accessory hanging from the mirror is a gift from my husband Celin. Those are miniatures of the ship where he used to work "The Norwegian Dream". Well, that makes him a passenger everyday. He says it has carats ( maybe) so I will take care of it har har har. Of course, I will treasure it with or without the value. The vehicle was also his gift to us.

This vehicle has always been a witness to all happy and sad moments of our lives. Inside we laugh, cry, fight, discuss things about just anything. When in a hurry, it becomes my kids' dressing room. I have in there my kids' combs, extra socks, slippers, school materials and almost anything that they could be needing. There are also some books I have to finish. I read when I am waiting. I also organize my bills, receipts and documents inside it. Just like an office. But it is more like, my home.