Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
remarkable signs

Seems like the new 4 elements is no longer earth, fire, water and air! How about caution, men, water and air?
Or maybe it is a warning for men to stay away! Only women are allowed to pump?
So I asked: "What do you exactly mean by your sign?"
The attendant said: "We want the truck drivers not to consume the air in the pump because more often than not, they always leave it empty."
That is better than the sign, I thought. I will write a long one, a paragraph, if I cannot say it in a short way.
There must be a better way to say it, I told my friend. Do you have any suggestions? I have some below that I am going to send them. If you have some suggestions send it to the Shell Station Mamay Road Branch, Davao City.
I was thinking of the following:
a) Big trucks not allowed!
b) Do not pump hard and leave me empty!
c) Leave some air for the rest!
d) Be pump -friendly!
e) Warning: Pumping hard is dangerous to your health!
And write, be blissful on your next stop!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
shrilling honk

I was a regular commuter before and this particular driver seems to be crossing my way every time I wait for a ride in the morning. Funny, that there were several times too, that I got to see him cruising when it is time for me to go home.
Why would I not notice this jeepney? Aside from his being generous with his honking he also got that loud stereo that could burst the passengers' eardrums. And even if I am a jeepney away I could still hear his stereo.
I did not expect (of course, just like in the movies) that I would be a willing passenger one morning (I was in such a big rush) and got a seat right beside him. "Great!" I gasped.
I discovered that he also romps away with the "most talkative" award. He just did not stop in engaging me in conversation. Since I got no choice, I kept my replies curt and polite during the few minutes. I could really be pleasant but it seems that I got a "history" of distraction with him that was very unforgivable for me at that time!
I was not comfortable with him too because he also looks a little bit of those "goon-type" actors in the movies. But I sure did feel some kind of sincerity with his way of talking so I did not "get-off" the jeepney.
So, when he paraded his brusque "honkng", I requested him if he could use his horn moderately because it is so noisy. It is better to use it at the right time and when it is needed. "Oh" he said. And added that "he just want to attract the attention of the passengers." "Really?" but only on my mind. But I said something like, "not nearly everyone likes the honk".
Speaking of passengers! He would stop at every person waiting in the street and several times even when the people did not call for him (for the ride). "Oh my God! How could he do this to all of us?"
I am one damn commentator, so I said "Mamang driver, hindi naman po pumapara ung mga tao baka pwede naman po, tumigil na lang tayo doon sa mga pumapara lang." ("Mr. Driver I think those people are not really interested in getting a ride, is it alright if we just stop at those people who signals for it.")
"Really? I do not notice that. Seems like a habit to me and I get carried away by my stereo music." he said.
"Dear Lord! He seems to be telling the truth." He really seems to be unaware of his annoying behavior and doesn't really mean harm to the commuters. Only that he really does!
We might need some Divine interventions to see some changes in the worst of the jeepney drivers attitude and behaviors in the street!
Be blissful!
"Dear Lord! He seems to be telling the truth." He really seems to be unaware of his annoying behavior and doesn't really mean harm to the commuters. Only that he really does!
We might need some Divine interventions to see some changes in the worst of the jeepney drivers attitude and behaviors in the street!
Be blissful!
Monday, July 27, 2009
positive energies as gift

One of my favorites are these boxes of different stones. I am not sure if they are gemstones. There are times when I open one of the cases and touch and rub a stone. I once read about some healing powers derived from stones and I acquired that habit. Well, I thought there is really nothing to lose if I practice it. I even believed that my negative energies will be absorbed by these stones. I find this fascinating and magical!

1. Rose Quartz has a gentle energy. It is a heart healer of physical heart ailments as well as emotional heartbreaks. Rose quartz is a timely gift to offer someone who desires to learn self-love.
2. Flourite comes in a variety of colors. Fluorite is a beneficial stone to help guard one against picking up negativity or negative energies from those nearby. Basically, the stone absorbs any negativity, keeping it at bay. It is important to cleanse it at least once a week when you are using it as a protective helper.
3. Egyptian energy. Lapis is a stone that has been said to unlock mysteries as it helps one move through confusion and emotional blocks and dig through fog/muck to the root of problematic issues.
4. Hematite is a grounding stone. This silver-gray metallic gemstone is often used as a grounding tool to aid those who tend to avoid worldly tasks/events by out-of-body flight.
5. Jade teaches acceptance. Carries serene and calming energy. It helps a person become less critical of self and others.
6. This highly spiritual/healing stone is associated with The Christ Consciousness and the Violet Flame of Transmutation. Amethyst helps one tune into a higher awareness of knowing.
7. Turquoise is a teaching stone can be used to help one learn spiritual lessons through meditation and/or dream visions. My first turquoise was a stone set in a silver ring my grandmother gave me as a souvenir she picked up for me when she vacationed in Arizona. It's little wonder that my grandmother has served as one of my spiritual advisers from the other side since her transition from the physical realm.
8. Kyanite is best worn near the throat chakra. This blue crystal helps facilitate channeling and will open communications centers to enable contact with your guides and angels. Kyanite is probably best known for its balancing properties that align the chakras. There is no need to cleanse this stone, it clears itself automatically of negative energies.
9. All varieties of obsidian are good utilized as grounding and protective agents - The snowflake in particular helps us surrender or let go of negative habits or past pathways that no longer the present condition. It will bring about opportunity for change, serenity, and clarity.
10. Citrine is a wonderful yellow stone. It helps to manifest your goals. Also keeps one cheerful. It attracts abundance and personal power.
Wowwww! I am so honored to have all of these energies inside my house! Reminds me of always healing and cleansing my body and soul! Wish I could give all of these to you!
Be blissful!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
stop, look and listen to our leader

That moment was significant because it made me realize how important it is to "stop, look and listen" to the government.
I thought of writing about this at this very moment because hours from now our President is going to give her "State of the Nation Address".
Many of my visitors are from the Philippines and it is important for me to express my thoughts about a certain "attitude". I think, we as Filipinos start reflecting about our trust, confidence and acceptance of our government. Let us not forget that our government is the reflection of the people's thoughts, attitudes and actions.
If we only stop and observe the other governments, they also got mistakes and misgivings to their constituents. Our people are not the only ones in poverty. Let us take a look at Africa. Bangladesh. And many others. Our people are not being killed at the same rate as the people in Afghanistan. Pakistan. If we are terrorized, look at the rich countries. Twin Towers bombing. Etc.
Let us stop killing our government because we are the Philippine government! Let us stop hurting ourselves with negative comments about our country! If we do not like poverty we have to study some skills and work. Think of how to make money than ask for money around. Use our time to create and produce. And if there is no available resources, work on improving ourselves as people. Not monsters!
I think we as Filipinos have gone through a lot of suffering, but all great countries have gone through a lot of disasters and revolutions before getting into the status they have now.
We need to do something with ourselves, for our government to work harder. We have to check on our values at the level of our families to produce children who will be great leaders.
Let us all work hard on this. If we see our government as suckers, maybe because we are suckers too!
Let us appreciate what we have! I appreciate the government for helping this country when all other countries around us during the global crisis were all devastated. We came out just fine!
I did not get rich with any of our leaders. But I am happy, I see some improvements from what I had as a child. Let us all count our blessings and work hard.
I do not even have a job but I live. Simply.
Be blissful!
Friday, July 24, 2009
heavy weight on that head

In the morning, they are a part of the hustle and bustle in this neighborhood. Today, because I woke up craving for ampalaya leaves (bitter gourd ), I called to a woman with this big basin on her head and asked for the vegetable I wanted. But she does not have it.
It was quick for me to look for something else, sensing how frustrating it must be to lose an opportunity to have a deal with that load on your head. So, when she approached me, she took that big basin on her head, put it down on the ground and took the grated coconut meat (for my hair!) that I am buying. Yes, she even got that! Inside the basin, one will see a variety of stuff - tomatoes, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, leafy vegetables and a lot more. All are weighed, priced, separated, arranged and packed in plastic.
Wow, that is "door-to-door vegetable delivery". I appreciate that!
After paying her, she asked if I could help her lift the basin up on her head. "No problem", I said.
But you know what? I was surprised. It was quite heavy. Heavier than I estimated it to be. Because the stuff are vegetables, I just thought it is quite not heavy. With her stuff, I could have stiff neck or that basin could easily fall-off from my head if I was the one peddling it!
Wow, that is "door-to-door vegetable delivery". I appreciate that!
After paying her, she asked if I could help her lift the basin up on her head. "No problem", I said.
But you know what? I was surprised. It was quite heavy. Heavier than I estimated it to be. Because the stuff are vegetables, I just thought it is quite not heavy. With her stuff, I could have stiff neck or that basin could easily fall-off from my head if I was the one peddling it!
That is tough!
Going back to the 60 year old woman with a pail full of seashells on her head and baskets full fruits and vegetables on both her hands, I could not imagine the weight! My father bought generously from her even if we have enough fruits on our table to ease up some burden.
I honor these people who work for a living! I admire them far better than those who often come to your doorstep and ask for alms, food or donations!
Be blissful!
Going back to the 60 year old woman with a pail full of seashells on her head and baskets full fruits and vegetables on both her hands, I could not imagine the weight! My father bought generously from her even if we have enough fruits on our table to ease up some burden.
I honor these people who work for a living! I admire them far better than those who often come to your doorstep and ask for alms, food or donations!
Be blissful!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
filling-out the application and backing-out

It is the last day of submission for a job vacancy. A project which I think is of significance especially for the youth. When I read its job specifications and requirements, I was confident that I have the necessary skills and experience for the job and likewise can do more with the existent interventions being done by the organization.
I am done filling-out the application but thought of "hanging-on" for a while.
"Hold on a minute!" I said to myself. I have had sleepless nights thinking of it. "Hey you aren't hired yet." Just submit that application and think of it when you are called for the interview.
But today I have decided. I will not submit the application.
What could be my gains with my decision?
My home. My family.
I do not know how significant my decision is for my own dreams and career advancement. Do I have a career?
Maybe I will find some other opportunities here. Near my family. Have lots of things to do here. Have lots of things to fix here. My children are also part of the bigger spectrum of the youth. They also need some interventions.
Maybe I will find some other opportunities here. Near my family. Have lots of things to do here. Have lots of things to fix here. My children are also part of the bigger spectrum of the youth. They also need some interventions.
I have to get grounded sometimes. I cannot solve the problems of the world. But I can raise- up children who have potentials of "being a part of the solution" for the problems of the world!
Be blissful!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
folding clothes and loving it

I usually do the folding of the clothes on my bed. It is king-size so I get the space I need and yet I do not finish folding all of it. I have to turn-on some music for me to hum while doing it and yet I always have the urge to do something else first. From the jumbled pile of clothes, I do the sorting, classifying and the assigning of every piece inside the cabinets and I feel I am being punished each time!
Once when I was talking to my brother and sister, they mentioned that this chore is something that they do not enjoy doing too. Awesome! So, is it a family thing? Of course not!
The irony is that I love doing the laundry. I like the sound of the water splashing. I like selecting the whites from the colored clothes. Which go first, next and the last? I like spin drying the clothes and arranging them on the clothesline.
When I look at the clean water turn dark, I always am amazed how the machine could actually do it! Silly, of course because the clothes were dirty.
Well, sometimes its the simple things that make us people get confused and bored. When I was talking to a stranger one time while I was waiting, he was waiting too. He said something about love. "Loving is tough, it is not an easy thing to do."
I told him, "I thought loving was the easiest to do. People choose to get strangled by it . Maybe because we are all used to some beatings and other forms of tough love."
I am thinking. The chore I am supposed to do now is simple and easy. Why can it be so tough and be postponed? Ohhh, people just want to get involved into some tough challenges! And chokes when they got it! Always looking for some grand complications ."
I should love folding these clothes. I have to go!
When I look at the clean water turn dark, I always am amazed how the machine could actually do it! Silly, of course because the clothes were dirty.
Well, sometimes its the simple things that make us people get confused and bored. When I was talking to a stranger one time while I was waiting, he was waiting too. He said something about love. "Loving is tough, it is not an easy thing to do."
I told him, "I thought loving was the easiest to do. People choose to get strangled by it . Maybe because we are all used to some beatings and other forms of tough love."
I am thinking. The chore I am supposed to do now is simple and easy. Why can it be so tough and be postponed? Ohhh, people just want to get involved into some tough challenges! And chokes when they got it! Always looking for some grand complications ."
I should love folding these clothes. I have to go!
Monday, July 20, 2009
kind of Prudential smile and service

Well, I usually start to be so pleasant like the "prim and proper" lady I am supposed to be but really pisses-me off later when these people just get "off-hand" in dealing with their clients!
I really thought I have some patience and enough grace to somehow drive away some negative vibes or at least, not to react given such an unpleasant situation. But forgive me, "I am only human."
I have to write this because this is something I always overlook. Prudentialife is lucky, I chose them for my blog.
It was Monday morning when I went to the Prudentialife office Davao to inquire about a loan they are offering to their clients. I got a letter and a call from them so I went.
It was not my pension so I do not have any plans of applying for the loan, I explained and insisted. I came to inquire for my husband.
It was not my pension so I do not have any plans of applying for the loan, I explained and insisted. I came to inquire for my husband.
And I do not bring along our contract and certificate of full payment everyday of my life but I assume and do certainly think that the office will have a file.
I am getting restless. And I was thinking this:
"If I will have such a business then I will have every information about a client's contract number or whatever it is that I think is relevant, so that in any case that someone comes then I could easily access their file. "
I was expecting that they know my husband's file! Or at least showed me that they tried typing on the keyboards of the computer ( ohhh they could pretend!) to look for it. Or as the lady in the picture said "we only got the ledger". "Hhmmmmp, but still did not look at the ledger!"
Breathe in. Breathe out!
Oh well, maybe I was expecting too much! But it was not even too much of an expectation because I thought it is one "standard operating procedure."
Here is another issue, har har har.
I am getting restless. And I was thinking this:
"If I will have such a business then I will have every information about a client's contract number or whatever it is that I think is relevant, so that in any case that someone comes then I could easily access their file. "
I was expecting that they know my husband's file! Or at least showed me that they tried typing on the keyboards of the computer ( ohhh they could pretend!) to look for it. Or as the lady in the picture said "we only got the ledger". "Hhmmmmp, but still did not look at the ledger!"
Breathe in. Breathe out!
Oh well, maybe I was expecting too much! But it was not even too much of an expectation because I thought it is one "standard operating procedure."
Here is another issue, har har har.
I came in around at 8:30 am. The bank which is near their office is my real purpose. But the bank opens at 9 am so I opted to drop-by Prudential.
Oh my God! Prudentialife Davao should choose people who know how to smile at the sight of a client or prospective client or maybe just any kind of person coming in their office! I was expecting that even how grumpy they are that very early Monday morning there could be some "welcoming gesture like a smile at least."
But there was none! " Ohh boyyy, am I expecting too much, again?" There was not a smile from both of the people in the picture even when I was shyly explaining to them about my inquiry.
"Angie, knock if off" I was talking to myself about the "smile" thing. They just do not want to smile. Alright!
Finally, I was referred to someone named "Chubby". Well, a pleasant and a well-mannered man but at any rate was not able to "lift a finger" to be able to help me except (only because I requested) give me the Prudentialife website.
I think that was common - that people in the front desk just do not have the orientation to serve well. And it is just so sad!
But anyhow, there must be something they have to do about "who they are and what the hell they are doing there?" to be able to attract good vibes at least! Basically, it is manners too! Smiling and welcoming clients or guests should be automatic especially when you are a frontliner. I would not even mind if one is ugly, fat or whatever as long as you are pleasing to anyone who comes!
I think in the most foul mood ever, we should try to smile even when we do not feel like smiling. We should act like we are not in some kind of trouble whenever we all have to engage into some social contacts.
But I do shout, growl, gnarl and do the wildest thing when I am alone with my family. I know my family will excuse me, but never other people!
Be blissful!
But I do shout, growl, gnarl and do the wildest thing when I am alone with my family. I know my family will excuse me, but never other people!
Be blissful!
my unique spirituality and faith

This is the church that I always visit! It is the Carmelites Monastery which is about 10 minutes away from our house. I always felt that divine grace is another relevant aspect of well-being. I only have one such big problem! I am not so comfortable in going to the church with a multitude of people around.
Imagine the church above brimming over with people even up to every corner outside. I am not just into it because of my problem concentrating. Yes, in my religion it is Satan distracting me. But I am aware its my neurons bugging me!
I have to concentrate ("Common Maria, make some sacrifices!") but I give-in to distractions like the following: when I hear the people around me talk, gossip and giggle. I turn to the sound of cellphones ringing and way more get distracted when people answer the calls. I cannot concentrate when children play around during the celebration of the mass. And so on and so forth. I often think, I become more of a sinner when I go to church on a Sunday!
There must be a way!
It is really a struggle on my part!
During one of my visits to the church, I asked Him a favor. "I am better-off praising Him" in a silence. I feel His presence and divinity in deep stillness. My mind and spirit is wholly in his Grace in solitude!
I asked this with reverence and seriousness because I believe my God is a loving and forgiving one. I just cannot imagine a Father who would let his children burn in hell because of sins committed.
Of course the Pope, the priests and followers of the Catholic Church will find this ridiculous! I actually "leave that to them"! They can crucify me for this! They can cast that stone unto me!
Imagine the church above brimming over with people even up to every corner outside. I am not just into it because of my problem concentrating. Yes, in my religion it is Satan distracting me. But I am aware its my neurons bugging me!
I have to concentrate ("Common Maria, make some sacrifices!") but I give-in to distractions like the following: when I hear the people around me talk, gossip and giggle. I turn to the sound of cellphones ringing and way more get distracted when people answer the calls. I cannot concentrate when children play around during the celebration of the mass. And so on and so forth. I often think, I become more of a sinner when I go to church on a Sunday!
There must be a way!
It is really a struggle on my part!
During one of my visits to the church, I asked Him a favor. "I am better-off praising Him" in a silence. I feel His presence and divinity in deep stillness. My mind and spirit is wholly in his Grace in solitude!
I asked this with reverence and seriousness because I believe my God is a loving and forgiving one. I just cannot imagine a Father who would let his children burn in hell because of sins committed.
Of course the Pope, the priests and followers of the Catholic Church will find this ridiculous! I actually "leave that to them"! They can crucify me for this! They can cast that stone unto me!
This my personal view and expression. The only way I become in harmony with my faith. The only path towards my salvation and my connection to my God!
This is a sacrifice that I also do. It is not easy "not to follow" what your Church says!
So help me, God!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
slowing down

It has been raining for many days now! In my tropical place, I get much sunlight than rain in one whole year. And I feel that heat to be very "abusive" sometimes because of that "biting feel" on your skin. So when it rains, I seemed to have a rush of excitement and chill.
Came home at around 2 pm one day (last week). I was tired and slumped at my rocking chair in the porch when I got the urge to take the photos above. I got in front of my eyes, the most subdued rain I have ever seen! The rain was just religiously and leisurely pouring lightly, evenly through and through. There was a little sunlight on the sky and not a wind to bring that downpour inside to wet my porch, "What a lovely day!".
But I thought I was gloomy. The house is so quiet. It is deserted.
"Oh, I forgot". I got some "life" in our house even if it is deserted. I got seven goldfishes in the aquarium. The only sound I hear is the "pump" giving air to them and the water flowing from the filter. Not bad! Brings life somewhere here.
Well, I got another one too. Our pet dog. A Japanese Spitz, who gets scared even with this very tame downpour. She was hiding under a single-seat old chair in the porch. Quivering! But she is really purely "acting" for someone to pick her up and cuddle her! Hmmm not bad too! There is someone who needed some cuddling here.
"And I am not done yet. I have not really fully understood (until now), why I got 2 Texas fighting cocks under my care! ". My father owns them but since his death, I think they technically became our "pets"! I just do not know where to put them! One time, I got pecked on my knees by one of them and "for heaven's sake" I have to take antibiotics and pain killers to save my life!
I said to myself, "Oh St. Peter, please get these fighting cocks to be your guard in heaven!" St. Peter (of course) is the disciple of Jesus Christ who lied 3x at the roosters rocking "cock-a-doodle do". That is biblical!
Anyway, I said, "There must be a reason".
Sometimes it is fun to just slow down and sit on my rocking chair! I get to understand reasonable and unreasonable matters in life.
Slow down and be blissful!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Sappho poem about a man from a distance

In my room, I have books near my bed. When I cannot go to sleep, it is convenient for me to get one that I wanted to finish. Because I have started reading them all and stop somewhere. Find another one and stop somewhere. All the books near me have all been scanned but left unfinished.
It's got to be a really very interesting and good book that I am able to finish in one sitting!
Anyway, I was not able to blog for a couple of days so I said this one is going to be fast. I was on the parking lot today when I browsed over a book of poems. I am biased to Indian and Chinese poems. I thought their writers are profound and lovely with how they express their feelings and thoughts in a romantic ryhtm. My friend told me to read a book because she is not so interested on it. It is called "Erotic Love Poems of Greece and Rome". I found one that I love. Written by Sappho.
Like a god he seems to me,
that man who, sitting across from you listens attentively to your
sweet voice and love laughter - a thing that sets my heart a flutter,
for suddenly as I look at you,
my voice is stuck in my throat,
my tongue is tied and a subtle flame courses beneath my flesh,
my eyes not seeing,
my ears whirring,
sweat pouring down,
my whole body trembling
my skin greener than grass
and I just short of dying.
Yet all this must be born since...
Be blissful!
Monday, July 13, 2009
cannot blog this

"What can I not blog?" I was surprised. "Is it the best 2-minutes of my day?" I asked, too. "Because if it is, you know I would" I added.
Anyway, I am writing about it.
It was about their Trigonometry class.
During a pop quiz, all of them flunked the test but he was the highest in the class.
So, I did not know how to react. Only I said to myself "Hmmm, the best among the flunkers".
He said, "Ma, say something".
"Oh well, not everyone going to school or walking down the street loves Trigonometry. But you should try to love it for the sake of your grades."
He said, "Ma, I got the highest score. The rest of the scores are far behind mine."
"Ohhh of course, I forgot...I am just so proud of you!"
It came to my mind a little longer though. Hope I did not prolong his "bad feeling". And I hope too that the world outside will not be too harsh for him.
I am. I was. And I will always be proud of my kids.
What can I do more but to embrace, kiss and accept it and my son from one bad moment in school!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
the right left

I also talk a lot (as a driver and passenger) so I will not fall asleep.
Then my friend asked, "Angie, where should I turn"?
"Turn to your left", I said.
As if perplexed she asked, "Which left"?
I said amusingly, "Well, we are both looking at the same direction so my left should be your left and my right should likewise be your right".
"Oh, let me say it" I said to myself. I think it was not cruel. Not even to insult my friend but only to remind her that the direction "left and right" is universal. Well of course, I understand there are lots of drivers who often "displays the wrong signal" on the road. But we should not tolerate this at all. One small mistake could seriously injure people and properties.
I was at the verge of really laughing out loud, so I did not hear her argument and of course I do not want to upset her. I am in her vehicle.
So I just said "Ok for the sake of your argument, please turn to the right (read: correct) left".
I just love her!
At the precised "left", we arrived at our destination safely and happily!
Friday, July 10, 2009
about shaving

He claims he has a number of hair above his upper lip that he really has to shave. He is attending an apprenticeship to become an officer for Citizens Army Training in school and the trainer has announced that they should appear "clean and shaved" tomorrow.
I argued that it was thin hair really that I see. But I was really afraid to teach him. My exposure to shaving is not the same with males. Females do shave but not the same as where the males do!
After arguing about his beard as not that obvious as what he seems to perceive, I was able to say out of exhaustion, "Can that wait until your father arrives next month? I almost told him to look it up at Google (Shaving 101) but it may sound foolish har har har!
But he really has to shave. "Alright, I just bought a disposable shaver. Here is a shaving cream I got from a hotel where I stayed sometime last year but I do not have an aftershave lotion. Maybe an alcohol will do, but that could really be harsh. I will buy you tomorrow".
Then I said "Maybe you could use some common sense with the strokes. Do you remember watching a movie with a man shaving?"
"Yes", he said. "Follow it", I said.
And lastly, "When doing it try not to cut yourself. I think, it is important so you won't bleed".
So he said he was ready. And I went back to what I was doing.
He came back and showed me. Yah, he looked clean and shaved. But also had a cut on his lip. Not big though.
I don't know if I was of help to my son about shaving.
But I think, my son did great with his first shaving experience!
He had that cotton pressed on his lip until he fell asleep. Oh well!
When he reads this? Oh I am sure, he will kill me har har har!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
walking lane while still alive

But while I am still alive...I would often go to Orchard Memorial Park for some 30-minute walk in the morning. The park is only about 6 years old thus the trees are still short. So sometimes, I go to the adjacent private memorial parks like San Pedro and Forest Lake wherein the trees are much older and bigger thus much cooler too.
While walking, I sometimes talk to myself in jest. "I would not see this view (from my memorial lot which is straight ahead and upper right side at the picture) when I die, so I should appreciate it by now". One would see downtown Davao and the other adjacent private memorial parks from my lot.
I do not exactly know how brave I will be to face my own death. Dealing with it could be difficult but I really want to teach myself to. What I do now of course is to take care of my health. I would want to still live. I still want to be with my children and family. My children does not want to hear anything about "death" even if I say it jokingly. I think, it is hard for them to understand.
I do not even "understand" sometimes.
hoax emails excites me too

Emails are great because it provides (very) fast information and news especially that it is linked to almost all personal and business transactions we all have. There are as well many other social networks that are so handy in just one click, that I often ask myself "Do I need another one of these stuff?". But I do appreciate this technology so much because of its convenience. But sometimes, I could hardly believe we all deserve these- transactions so "served in a silver platter" right in front of our monitors.
Because of so many pretentious, fraudulent, sham etc. emails, I no longer knew how to measure "truthfulness, sincerity, authenticity" in the ones I receive. Except of course from those whom I knew.
Enough of the introduction.
Let me do some small acts of "naivety". There was a time when I often received mails of the lottery-winner- type. Yes, Spam does not work and protect a 100%. So I delete and delete and delete.
Now, I do not know how significant my naive reply to such a mail but it has stopped coming! whoooaaahhh!
I only replied something like:
I hope that you are telling the truth because if I really did win such a big amount it is not through the email that I would have received it. I do not know a more legitimate medium but I would surely recognize one. But since I want to believe that I won that lottery and because I am neck-deep in debts, you could be the answer to my wishes. My banks would be very happy that I will be able to pay all of them.
Since I do not have money, please do not let me go through a lot of process. A legitimate one would usually just transfer the money to my account. Just like when my husband gives me money in goodwill. No ifs, no buts - just sends it through all the available money transfers/banks from all over the world.
If you are telling the truth, thank you so much. Send the money at once. I will give you my bank details. But if you are not telling the truth, please do not play with other people's emotions and add to our financial concerns.
My point really is that anyone could pass as a genuine loving and sincere person and turns out to be a genuine dangerous asshole!
Because of so many pretentious, fraudulent, sham etc. emails, I no longer knew how to measure "truthfulness, sincerity, authenticity" in the ones I receive. Except of course from those whom I knew.
Enough of the introduction.
Let me do some small acts of "naivety". There was a time when I often received mails of the lottery-winner- type. Yes, Spam does not work and protect a 100%. So I delete and delete and delete.
Now, I do not know how significant my naive reply to such a mail but it has stopped coming! whoooaaahhh!
I only replied something like:
I hope that you are telling the truth because if I really did win such a big amount it is not through the email that I would have received it. I do not know a more legitimate medium but I would surely recognize one. But since I want to believe that I won that lottery and because I am neck-deep in debts, you could be the answer to my wishes. My banks would be very happy that I will be able to pay all of them.
Since I do not have money, please do not let me go through a lot of process. A legitimate one would usually just transfer the money to my account. Just like when my husband gives me money in goodwill. No ifs, no buts - just sends it through all the available money transfers/banks from all over the world.
If you are telling the truth, thank you so much. Send the money at once. I will give you my bank details. But if you are not telling the truth, please do not play with other people's emotions and add to our financial concerns.
Monday, July 6, 2009
taking a quick shower

Well, I thought of it because I remember having friends who takes just soooooooo long to take a shower. I am amazed and amused because I really do quick ones especially in the morning when I am usually busy and have to run-off for the carpool and school.
Yes, I happen to ask my friends, what do they do inside that take them that long. A gay friend holds the longest time (among my friends) in taking the shower. A full one hour inside. Do you know the regular size of a bar of soap? He consumes that in less than a week time. I sometimes tease him of maybe doing something else inside (he he he).
Of course, there could be a lot of things to do (altogether) inside the comfort room or toilet. It should really give comfort or else, we might just call it "uncomfortable room" if not serving the purpose of giving comfort, right?
The only "more than 5 minutes" shower I take is during my second or third shower of the day. Only because it includes my cleaning the toilet. For me to enjoy cleaning the bath room and toilet, I put on some bath salts and oil essentials on my whole body. For some thirty minutes of scrubbing the whole room, my body also gets some nurturing - all in one too.
The only "more than 5 minutes" shower I take is during my second or third shower of the day. Only because it includes my cleaning the toilet. For me to enjoy cleaning the bath room and toilet, I put on some bath salts and oil essentials on my whole body. For some thirty minutes of scrubbing the whole room, my body also gets some nurturing - all in one too.
I think most of us have the same rituals (ha ha ha) inside. And I believe taking the shower should be one fun experience everyday. And as long as we finish taking the shower and get-off to our destinations, it ("how long the shower should take?") does not matter anymore.
Be blissful!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
renaissance room last February

My son gave me his cellphone!
He said, "Mom you need a new cellphone! I am giving this (his Nokia) to you ". Maybe because my cellphone of 6 years (Sony Ericcson) is near extinction! So my son's old cellphone is my new cellphone now!
And while I was exploring the cellphone, I browsed at some pictures he took some time ago. Including the pictures at the Renaissance Hotel in Makati.
The pictures were taken last February after my father's funeral. I was dead tired physically and emotionally (picture at the right) so I just stayed inside the hotel and explored my emotions! I slept through it...
With the pictures, I remembered the pain. But I also remembered, strength. I thought the pain was forever but I realized it has to stop!
Going back to the cellphone, I was a bit scared to receive the cellphone because he might ask for a new one...And I was correct, after all! But he said he is going to save money for that!
I was just too glad about it!
Be blissful!
garden fresh

I also got a little garden in front of my bedroom, but only about 1.5x2 meters in size. I do not have flowers there but lots of green plants. I sometimes do not put curtains to be able to behold the comeliness of the plants in the morning and anytime of the day!
When I do gardening, I do not wear slippers. I feel the grass and ground under my feet. It feels like receiving lots of energy from the earth. Those are short moments wherein I get to commune with nature right in my very own piece of land. I always remind myself that I need that activity. I am not good with gardening but I do enjoy touching green and the other colors.
Get to your garden now, it is fun!
Be blissful!
Get to your garden now, it is fun!
Be blissful!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
chocolates de cielo

Today, I climbed-up to "sun-dry" my cacao beans ( for it's 5th day) on my roof (not directly)!
I evenly spread the cacao beans with my bare hands. I touch it softly and whisper some chants to the beans for them to be chocolaty and heavenly tasting tableas (chocolate pastes) later on. Because it is the fifth day the beans has turned to a darker shade of brown and the smell is now invitingly more chocolaty!
I roast, grind and form it into chocolate pastes!
I roast, grind and form it into chocolate pastes!
I used to produce the chocolate pastes only for the family and relatives! But now I started selling it to neighbors and friends! They liked it because it is pure and natural chocolate!
This routine excites me because whenever my hands touch the beans all through out the process, I know that the tedious preparation will give my family and customers nourishment and the pleasure of chocolate.
The routine also gives me an opportunity to create something. And drives me to improve and do more.
The name of my chocolate pastes is:
"Chocolates de Cielo"
Your heavenly and healthy pleasure
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