I have been wanting to write but I seemed to be at a lost for words. When the family welcomed the New Year I was trying to push for a positive 2010 because I seemed to have a mediocre horoscope for 2010. Although I do not exactly rely on horoscopes about my fate for the coming year, it somehow makes me feel good to read about good vibes at least. I am sad that I did not get what I wanted from Astrology.
I was keeping up with myself. Pushing myself to feel good and positive to drive away clinging bad vibes but I came into realization that I just really have to wriggle it off. I cannot let it cling to me. After a difficult 2009, I would not entertain another idea of a bad 2010.
It is funny that my eldest son revealed something to the family on new year's eve something that shocked me and at the same time made me excited but scared the hell out of me. Made me worry too.
My son got his girlfriend pregnant.
The video caught me with mixed emotions and reactions about that news.
What shocked me? I think because I will soon be a grandmother.
What made me excited? It is the baby.
What worried me? It is my son's early introduction to fatherhood and family life.
I think, everything else was meant to be.