Thea Francheska seemed to be the ideal daughter because she is another soul who could easily "read my mind". Whenever we catch each other on Skype it would always be one hilarious chat! Alright sometimes, melodramatic too. I was kidding them earlier how could they have played with my emotions today, the last day of May. Well we were laughing out loudly one moment and crying next. Get serious a bit and tease each other again!
We cried talking about the death of my father. I thought talking about it after so many months would lessen the intensity of grief but tonight, I felt it was almost the same pain I have felt last February when he died.
So my niece supplied us with those pictures that indeed amused me and my sister. And the next minute we were laughing again. Oh my that was exhausting!
Tonight, we also made fun of how and why (on earth) am I not able to set foot in that faraway great land called the United States of America. Well I wonder why too? I should be working -out my chakras, mantras, spells, etc. and bless the people who are responsible for that US Visa in order for me to at least touch that snow in the picture.
But sometimes I also stop and think, do I really have to go to the US? Well I always think that if something is meant for me then it would be mine even without exerting too much effort! Amen!
But sometimes I also stop and think, do I really have to go to the US? Well I always think that if something is meant for me then it would be mine even without exerting too much effort! Amen!
The picture above was taken by my niece when she went to Minneapolis last year. She said she wrote it because there was snow there. It would be really silly to write it down, if she were here in the Philippines because there is nothing here. I love her for thinking the same way as I am! Har har har.
Well I would have loved to also see and touch the snow but I am not really sure if I go along with the temperature. I am terrible in cold places! I could really go crazy! But it must really be lovely during the winter. My niece appreciated it, but only for a while she admits.
I guess, we are both tropical in blood and spirit. So when I get to the US, we stay for only 2 days in Minneapolis and run to California! I really have to see the Golden Gate in San Francisco!
Interesting! I think I will feel the exact excitement if I had my itinerary and ticket with me! Ho ho ho ho.
Be blissful then!
I guess, we are both tropical in blood and spirit. So when I get to the US, we stay for only 2 days in Minneapolis and run to California! I really have to see the Golden Gate in San Francisco!
Interesting! I think I will feel the exact excitement if I had my itinerary and ticket with me! Ho ho ho ho.
Be blissful then!