My father could have been 76 years old this month. Last year, he was still strong and healthy when I visited him in Manila. Although he was joking about "death", I did not really expect that it would be his last birthday on earth. He should be most happy where he is now.
What to look forward in May?
What to look forward in May?
Back in the island when I was young, I look forward to the first rain shower in May because it is believed to bring good luck. So there was a time when my friends and I would really wait for that downpour and when it comes, we all l rush out of our houses and play out in the rain. We would dance around, play our outdoor games like "piko" , "patintero" (local street games), "taguan" ( hide and seek) and a lot more. Have you ever felt that mud on your feet? Wonderful!
I feel so attached to nature whenever I feel mud or soil on my feet. And even now that I am an adult, I prefer to walk barefooted most of the time at home. And rush out to the rain! And feel the earth!
I feel so attached to nature whenever I feel mud or soil on my feet. And even now that I am an adult, I prefer to walk barefooted most of the time at home. And rush out to the rain! And feel the earth!
Flores de Mayo is a religious ritual. Because this is the time when the flowers bloom, all the kids gather flowers and make bouquets. I remember asking and gathering different kinds of flowers from neighbors and bring it to the Blessed Virgin Mary statue. We go on a procession and all of us little kids have lots of flowers as offering. Then we are given snacks after. The sight of flowers really lifts me up even when I was young. And although I was not aware of the significance of the offertory, what was on my mind was "offering back to God what I was given ". Now that I am an adult, I offer to our creator the most wonderful things that happen to me everyday no matter how trivial they are.
The Santacruzan (festival of the holy cross) is another delight. Well this activity is in commemoration of the finding of the Holy Cross by Queen Helena in Jerusalem. Queen Helena is the mother of Constantine the Great. The procession is gay and colorful and the preetiest ladies in the community was chosen to represent the the various queens and the characters they carry such as Reina Fe (Queen of Faith), Reina Esperanza (Queen of Hope) Reina Caridad (Queen of Charity) and many others. The highlight of course is the Reina Elena (Queen Helena), the queen of all queens.
I was never chosen to be one of the queens. I was an "ugly duckling" they say. I was always on the beach and playing rough with the boys so I was not fit to be one. Oh well, now I see beauty in a different light. Beauty inside and out is what I am working out.
To spoil my bliss a bit, this month too I have to pay the schools because my children are going back to school in June. I have one in college and the other in high school. I want them to have a good life ahead. School is a fun place for learning. They deserve to be in.
And the gorgeous bouquet of mums above is a photo taken by Joliz. I often visit her site just to look at her photographs. She is amazing. Thank you for the flowers that gives me that bliss everyday.
Be blissful!
The Santacruzan (festival of the holy cross) is another delight. Well this activity is in commemoration of the finding of the Holy Cross by Queen Helena in Jerusalem. Queen Helena is the mother of Constantine the Great. The procession is gay and colorful and the preetiest ladies in the community was chosen to represent the the various queens and the characters they carry such as Reina Fe (Queen of Faith), Reina Esperanza (Queen of Hope) Reina Caridad (Queen of Charity) and many others. The highlight of course is the Reina Elena (Queen Helena), the queen of all queens.
I was never chosen to be one of the queens. I was an "ugly duckling" they say. I was always on the beach and playing rough with the boys so I was not fit to be one. Oh well, now I see beauty in a different light. Beauty inside and out is what I am working out.
To spoil my bliss a bit, this month too I have to pay the schools because my children are going back to school in June. I have one in college and the other in high school. I want them to have a good life ahead. School is a fun place for learning. They deserve to be in.
And the gorgeous bouquet of mums above is a photo taken by Joliz. I often visit her site just to look at her photographs. She is amazing. Thank you for the flowers that gives me that bliss everyday.
Be blissful!
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