These are two important persons in my life who have the same birthday , today! My son Karlsen is 15. He is my youngest. I sometimes marvel at how time so swiftly passes by. Now, he is becoming less dependent on me. Starting to deal with concerns about relationships. Trying to figure out his college life soon. And soon to deal with the real adult world. I only want him to be happy with his life!
The other celebrator is my bestfriend, Gaga. Lady Gaga har har har. I cannot write her age here. I think, she is 12 years younger than I am. Hmmm, safe enough. Having her around fills- in lots of laughter and wonderful times during moments I drift! Its good to have young friends around. She delays my aging.

I took this picture yesterday when we went out to get some ice cubes. Back at Gaga's house they were roasting lots of this fish's jaw (panga in our local dialect). It is the part of the tuna which I like best (aside from the eyes). When roasted the meat tastes sweet, tender and succulent. I like it when my point finger plucks out the fish meat from the fish bones in the jaw. The effort is worth the fish meat!

This was Gaga's buffet table last night. I love her "Kare-kare" (vegetables with peanut sauce) but did not take some last night. The "lechon" (roasted pig) was great! I only tried the roasted and crispy pork skin. Tastes really good! I had lots of tuna and sweet pineapples last night for dinner!
Food is just a part of the celebration really. I always believed that celebrations also meant forever renewing and strengthening relationships!
For my son, I really hope that I will be forever available whenever he will need me. I hope I am giving him the right kind and amount of love. And that we will not tire loving each other until when I am gone.
For my friend, I also hope our friendship flourishes to more than what we have started! You are family to me, not just a friend!
Be blissful!
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