Politics is not my turf.
I wanted to put some sense and morals into it even if I know it will never be the future of politics (ever!) here in my country and even in the whole world. But I always wanted to believe that with the people's vigilance, people up there also gets rattled and minimize some of their dirt.
When the Italian Prime Minister was attacked, I felt that he deserved it. When the Ampatuans were summoned and some jailed, I also felt that they deserve more than that. If Hell is somewhere here, I think it is the Palaces and government seats of power.
But I still want to believe that there could be someone that I have to trust to run my country. Power is business and that is the way, countries run. Someone should lead. I want a leader who is strong. I fought Ferdinand Marcos' dictatorship when I was in college. I knew that he abused some of his powers but after him, all of the Presidents even the beloved Corazon Aquino abused that seat. But none of them ran the Philippines like Ferdinand Marcos.
Because he is smart and knows economics. The Philippines is alive because of his intelligence. I want a strong leader like him. And an intelligent one.
Well, I cannot choose Noynoy. Nothing personal but I would love to see him take care of his nephews and nieces better than running the country.
Manny Villar before C5 is credible to me but I agree he got midas touch with his business. He can stay with it and make more money than serve the country. I will feel great to see another Filipino millionaire outside of the Presidential Palace.
Dick Gordon made wonders with Subic. I still admire him but I think I do not want him in the Palace.
The rest of the Presidential candidates, I just cannot stomach. Sometimes I just hate this democratic process wherein everyone who feels like running and winning, do run.
Oh God, I hope this time the Filipinos do make a right choice. Even with my weak heart my mind is headstrong for Gilbert Teodoro. He is perfect for my President. I am just sad that I will send him to Hell - the Presidential Palace. He can fight some evil there.
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