When I first saw Tom Cruise said "You complete me" in a movie, I thought it was so romantic. But today, I think it is one grand crazy thought.
"Why can't I be complete without a man by my side? It is crazy because there is no way one can reach-out for completeness from someone else, except yourself".
That is what I told my friend last night. That was with reference to our conversation about love lost, leaving the marriage and husband, relationship issues that really is getting on my nerves because I have not got the guts to leave my husband. The same way as two of my friends did recently.
And I was referring also to my other friend who even inside marriage have been hopping from one man to another hoping to see where her "completeness" could be.
So I said to myself "Angie you can make yourself complete without any accessory of other people" (loved or not).
Just keep on loving and living.
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