She is our pet. Her name is Pawi.
For such a long time, I was the only female specie here at home. And it felt good to be one. I thought, I was getting just the right kind of attention from my husband and 3 sons. And somehow, I was giving them a dose of having a female around too. I also thought that, that was complimentary because even if I slaved my way in taking care of all their needs, I also get some amount of authority (whoaaah) at home.
Oh well! and when my husband is far away, I almost have an absolute authority so I feel I am the “queen” here. Well, I do not exactly dream of a throne or a kingdom, but I just felt this kind of set-up gives me maybe almost the same esteem (as a queen).
My children grew-up with an orientation leaning more on the feminine side and I saw how natural nurturers they are. Since the day they were all born, we have had countless pets (mostly dogs). In the past we had such scary dogs, 2 Rottweillers (Dagger and Deidre) and a German Shepherd (Walkie) because my brother and father likes those type (for breeding).
I think, I also love pets because I find them irresistible, cuddly and loving. I remember when we (with my brothers and sister ) were very young we had lots, too. The most memorable is “peggy sue” a pig (that was even before “Babe” got on that big screen).
Going back to Pawi, she is a Japanese Spitz. It was my eldest son and his girl who bought the puppy. Pawi used to live with Kristine (the girlfriend) but was given to us last 2005. Although Pawi is so cute, I was alarmed with the thought that she is staying with us for good (only because of her fur). My eldest and youngest have allergies and she’s got a load of hair that could trigger sneezing from my children the whole day and night.
Oh, but because the kids were so insistent, I let them keep her with a couple of “don’ts”. And because my children dote on her, Pawi is the most spoiled little dog in the world (only when my kids are here). She resists training. One rule that I have is that she is not allowed inside the house because she likes it very much “ to pee and poo” inside. She only scampers away and go to her cage when I shout “PPPPPaaaaawwwwwiiiiiiiii, what the hell did you do here”?
She is as “hard headed” as I am, I guess. When my kids are here, she snubs me. She knows she got allies so she does her thing freely. She will have this expression on her face that will make you pity her because she acts as the “poor victim” (always).
But I love her too. There was a period of time wherein both of us were left together alone. It was for 2 months wherein we were kind of sweet to each other. I did not sleep in the room, so we slept together in the sofa bed. I felt that having her around is the same as having my kids beside me.
There was one time when she suddenly jumped -up on me because of the thunder and rain (that scares her so much)and I accidentally kicked her off (har har har). The incident marred our relationship again (but only for a moment).
She is still spoiled. She also got her monthly period now (sometimes the same time as mine). She barks unceasingly to visitors and cats. Catch and tease some mice. Seize some young birds that fall-off from the trees. Ohhh and so on and so forth. But she fears only me here at home.
Well, I sometimes wonder how it is to raise a female child. I think, I know with our little Pawi.
Be blissful!
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ReplyDeleteok thanks Jaky. you are an angel!