It is amazing that we get to talk a lot this time and does not worry of the telephone bills that could give us all the shudder if we are paying every minute of our "togetherness". And of course, the thought of having us four simultaneously discussing matters of petty and importance, is indeed a gift.
I guess, the four of us have all other concerns individually but having them around in the confines of my headset, speaker and monitor gives me security. The time zone was not even a discouragement, except for our youngest who is fond of sleeping (but he also works a lot). He just do not stay awake late at night. The busy schedules are not compromised. There are times when we are not complete. But we wait. We schedule. We talk.
The beauty of the technology is the access it has given to all of us. To communicate and have time to see my nieces and nephews grow and progress, my sisters-in-law and brother-in-law take care and love my siblings and what they are all busy and interested about with their lives.
So sad that our mother has not embraced this technology yet. We could have given her the same comfort of having a family so near when everyone else is far.
My father's demise has left us all siblings clinging to each other for comfort. It has been hard for all of us who have to leave our mother alone (but with my eldest son and cousin to take care of her)in her house in Laguna. I guess everyone else have to respect priorities, too. Because we all really have to be back to where we are all based.
I do recognize my siblings effort to keep us all together. I know they are all busy with their workload but willingly give their time for this.
There is an endless possibility of what we could all share in the net. We eat (they have dinner while I have breakfast or the other way around), sing (for everyone's disgrace har har har), mourn (for some upsetting moments in our lives), tease each other, laugh and share hilarious moments together. I sum it all to - giving our relationships some quality moments.
If my father could see us now, he could have been proud of having raised us. Because even with our imperfections, we try hard to keep this family going. We keep on working to improve our relationships and appreciate each other. That is love between siblings, I guess.
I really miss you all, 'Gie! I have been thinking a lot of Dad, and how he dreamt of having all of us living near him, and how much he loved us as to go through each of his remaining days on earth missing each of us and his grandchildren. It has been a long time since we got together...
ReplyDeleteTrue, it's been such a long time since the four of us and our parents were in the same location. It's been difficult for everyone now that we've lost one parent.
ReplyDeleteThese past years have not exactly been easy for our parents. The frenzy of recent events have overwhelmed us all. Now that Nanay is alone, we all will have to help out and make sure she'll have less concerns than before. As unusual as it sounds, we'll have to make adjustments to accommodate her more in our lives.