Of course, there are people whom one just cannot put a stop on loving. Like my children. I could raise hell and high waters with them on certain occasions, but I do not think I can stop loving them.
But I really want to explore on that question. What do I say or do when I want to stop loving? What goes on "in-between" from feeling love to hatred? The "in-between" could really be very tough. I am not used to crying really but my crying times is such a record-breaker at this moment of my life!
Well, it could not really be hatred after the love, but it goes to a level wherein there is "nothing" one feels to someone you have loved or fathered/mothered your children. It is like being in limbo. But if one is in hell (in a relationship) maybe the limbo could be a relief for sometime. Because limbo is at borderline of hell, does that mean that there is another hell after hell?
I think I am getting old. There was a time when I was so keen on observing myself about when my mid-life crisis will ever dawn. When I was consciously observing myself I did not see and feel any signs of that crisis. Now that I am "in", I am so caught unaware and unprepared. Tough luck!
But I teach myself to regain myself time and again. I might just have some limited view of my life at this moment. I miss my giggles and laughter...
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