Sunday, November 21, 2010

blue moon on my birthday

First the staff gave me this surprise party in the office!
Then there was this call. I thought it was the bank again reminding me of my due. Well, they did call that day but the call that I almost did not answer was a gift from my sister in the US. Wow!

Then there was the "Decorate My Little Christmas Tree" which brought us all excited and happy till our closing time!

Then a very peaceful birthday on a Sunday! And before ending that day, I got a call from my brother in the US. I was surprised with his gift to me and my son. My sister-in-law was also very supportive and deep in my heart, I am so very grateful with their gift.

Truly the "once in a blue moon" myth and the stars have conspired to bring all those blessings right on my doorstep.

Friday, November 5, 2010

wow to visitors

When i started writing my blog, it was really all about expressing my thoughts because part of the process is that, I introspect.

I was not even thinking of my responsibility towards readership. But to boost my ego, I often check who visited my blog.

I get excited to see those flags being displayed because that means that there are people who have viewed my blog.

I still would choose to be candid about who I am when expressing but have acquired some ethical discipline and one is that I cannopt exactly reveal names of people.

This is such a small world and I have to give the benefit of not mentioning their names but I really have to say what pisses me off with their attitudes and behaviors.

My gratitude to those who have learned to love this blog the way or not the same way I love it!