Let me carry myself for this moment. In the office yesterday, I was happy to have visitors who have one way or another has given me the opportunity to confirm certain attitudes that I have observed with people I got to work with. I have been trying to test myself on coming up with impressions with people I meet and somehow I grade myself with 90% right (har har har) when it comes to identifying real "attitudes".
And yesterday was full of revelation because I was given the gift of having people whom I do not necessarily know but were "bringer of good news". I know that they also did not conciously present things in a way that I have gotten the message but still were confirmations.
I really hope I could balance all things because I always wanted a role of being the "bringer of peace" too. Let me see then my sign: I am a wooden dragon.
Shall I be the "light"?
The Dragon personality The Dragon is a creature of myth and legend. A symbol of good fortune and sign of intense power, the Oriental Dragon is regarded as a divine beast - the reverse of the malicious monster that Westerners felt necessary to find and slay. In Eastern philosophy, the Dragon is said to be a deliverer of good fortune and a master of authority. (Wooowwww, this is something great!) Therefore, those people born in Dragon years are to be honored and respected.
Years of the Dragon
Fifth in the cycle, Dragon Years follow the Rabbit and recur every twelfth year. The Chinese New Year does not fall on a specific date, so it is essential to check the calendar to find the exact date on which each Dragon Year actually begins
1904 * 1916 * 1928 * 1940 * 1952 * 1964 * 1976 * 1988 * 2000
The key to the Dragon personality is that Dragons are the free spirits of the Zodiac. Conformation is a Dragon's curse. Rules and regulations are made for other people. Restrictions blow out the creative spark that is ready to flame into life. Dragons must be free and uninhibited. The Dragon is a beautiful creature, colorful and flamboyant. An extroverted bundle of energy, gifted and utterly irrepressible, everything Dragons do is on a grand scale - big ideas, ornate gestures, extreme ambitions. However, this behavior is natural and isn't meant for show. Because they are confident, fearless in the face of challenge, they are almost inevitably successful. Dragons usually make it to the top. However, Dragon people be aware of their natures. Too much enthusiasm can leave them tired and unfulfilled. Even though they are willing to aid when necessary, their pride can often impede them from accepting the same kind of help from others. Dragons' generous personalities give them the ability to attract friends, but they can be rather solitary people at heart. A Dragon's self-sufficiency can mean that he or she has no need for close bonds with other people.
psssst! I wish I could show this to my boss and tell them to get rid of those people who are so greedy and like suckers who have no mercy to other people only because of some personal reasons read: greediness... har har har! And hope all my boss will not believe negative things about us here har har har And I have a problem of not following rules created by people who are not my boss har har har!
Ahemmmmm and this is me! The 1964, fyi.
Wood has a modifying influence and brings creativity to this sign. Questioning and liberal, Wood Dragons enjoy talking about original ideas and are open to other points of view. They are innovative, imaginative practical and appreciate art in each of its forms. Generally less pretentious than other Dragons, Wood Dragons have an ability to get along with other people. They have the essentials to build a prosperous and happy life for themselves. Still, Wood Dragons are outspoken and at times a bit pushy to quell everyone, even in the most friendly quarrel.
I believe it so har har har! I did not write the text (promise!). It is written in the books har har har!
People born in the Year of the Dragon share certain characteristics. The Dragon sign is an abbreviated way of characterizing that individual's personality. Following are features associated with the sign of the Dragon.
Fifth in order, Chinese name-LONG, sign of luck
Hour-7am-8:59 a.m. Month-April
Western Counterpart-Aries
- Innovative
- Enterprising
- Flexible
- Self-assured
- Brave
- Passionate
- Conceited
- Tactless
- Scrutinizing
- Unanticipated
- Quick-tempered
I am not usually guilty of saying something wrong of other people and I wish people around me should do the same! Amen!
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