Thursday, January 15, 2009

something in the rain

It was a delight to hear the rustle of the rain as I got up from my bed. Have been blessed with this downpour for almost three days now and yes, this chilliness is not too very often here in Davao. Well, it is some kind of a welcome treat to my humid and dry habitat.

Even with one million things on my mind, my body responded automatically to my morning routine, while I listened to the news on TV (yes! i meant TV not radio) and still hear that heavy downpour outside. Now, I wonder why i do not have a radio at home, anyway I think I have to write something about that. And the smell, hhhmmmm!!! it was my hot chocolate rice porridge in the pot. Perfect! Nothing has gone really wrong yet. Then I gasped, "Oooohhh this is not an ordinary day I have got today"!!!!

I noticed that every time I cruise this part of the hi-way to bring the kids to school, I get into this (bad) habit of looking for something to get upset with (I have another article for this. I do have a list of the things that upsets me - only on the road) And when I stop (not the vehicle!) and contemplate, I interpret it this way - I have such an "unconfused routine and I have the feeling that my life is so much in harmony with my being me and my environment" (read: boring).

Damn such a bad thought! There is so much confusion, hunger, grief, injustice, anger and pain all around the globe. And I am looking for one or more? Look at the women and children in Gaza. The unrest in Zimbabwe. Grim at the Wall Street. Landslide in Samar. And so on and so forth. And here I am feeling like an idiot...looking for some irritants?

And I say to myself. You do not have the right to get bored. You are lucky, you have time to listen to the sound of that downpour. Not too many people get to savor it. Not too many people stop to feel the rain. Yes, not too many people find meaning with it.

So I go on. From my view, as I cruise the remaining 3- kilometer part of the hi-way, I see the glorious Mt. Apo - the tallest mountain peak in the Philippines. So splendid. Majestic. When not raining, one will see her with the two other smaller mountains and ranges of hills in complete harmony with the white and fluffy clouds in various formations. And the formations are never the same everyday.

Yes, Mt. Apo stays awesome when raining, too. Just some changes of hues. Some windiness here. Some haziness there. But her character remains. It is unchanging.

The downpour persisted. And I insisted to get on with my direction. With my tasks. With my life.

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