Tuesday, June 16, 2009

bliss dreaming

You see things; and you say, "Why"? But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?
by George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) , Back to Methusalah

Today, I dreamed a dream!

A dream so pleasant that it made me smile and did not mind the huge rush I often do during mornings. A dream that made me calm during the traffic. And made me comfortable even with the heat!

My dream that made me a delightful person to the rest of the world today is I think a very short one. It was also simple but I am amazed that I remembered it. And I was looking at myself in my dream! Well, dreams could really be so abstract and in many forms but this dream had such a big impact on my day.

Later I would want to interpret it myself but the most important thing is that it gave me a wonderful feel today!

The dream.
I was in another land. I do not exactly know where it was. I was walking with someone I do not know. The street is narrow, not cemented but neatly trimmed with trees. Flowers adorn the houses that looks Asian (Far East) and centuries old. The street was also filled with smiling people walking with a language familiar yet unknown to me. I was happy looking at myself walking happily and talking in animation with that man. I loved the place it was both present and old. It is like home.

Home makes us all comfortable and safe. I must have been thinking a lot. Today I hope I comforted my son who is troubled with his application. I wish I am there to give him a hug of love and comfort. I know he is in a state of fear.

The dream could be about my son. In between a busy morning schedule, we communicated through texting. I texted him a message telling him that the job is something that he has to "claim from now on as his own". That he has to attract "positive energies". That he has to believe in himself.

I thought my dream was kind of romantic. No it was not, I guess.

Why not?

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