Friday, March 27, 2009

i listened

It was not too often that I have listened to speeches during graduations. Either I get distracted with the commotions over petty things or my thoughts were on some personal concerns. So what happens is that I do not get some important messages that I could have learned or maybe inspired me to do much better with my life.

I do not remember one important point from the speakers during my own graduations. Well, I was refrained from attending my college graduation, just when I was ready to listen. I was an activist in the University and the President was all out on "expelling" me. Thank God, there was not enough reason for him for that expulsion. I worked my way for some good grades too (har har har). But he got lots of power to stop me from marching. No problem!

Anyway, I promised myself to listen from now on. And I say, it is remarkably so much enlightening if one really "listens". Not just "hearing" someone talk.

I was glad that during my son's graduation, the speeches mainly talks of achievement with the human touch. Being humble with success and sharing the reaps to the common good.

When I listened to such "ideals" from young people, I see much hope for a better and more humane approach to economy, politics, religion (not necessarily in order of priorities) or the other dimensions.

Made me proud my son belonged to this new crop. Their graduation song was composed by the graduates and the music was arranged by one of them. The song was about their friendship and leaving. But with a promise of not forgetting all the efforts done together in the past.

So maybe, this world will get better. With so much politics and greed, I hope this new crop of graduates will stand by their ideals and make the right decisions and priorities.

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