Sunday, November 21, 2010

blue moon on my birthday

First the staff gave me this surprise party in the office!
Then there was this call. I thought it was the bank again reminding me of my due. Well, they did call that day but the call that I almost did not answer was a gift from my sister in the US. Wow!

Then there was the "Decorate My Little Christmas Tree" which brought us all excited and happy till our closing time!

Then a very peaceful birthday on a Sunday! And before ending that day, I got a call from my brother in the US. I was surprised with his gift to me and my son. My sister-in-law was also very supportive and deep in my heart, I am so very grateful with their gift.

Truly the "once in a blue moon" myth and the stars have conspired to bring all those blessings right on my doorstep.

Friday, November 5, 2010

wow to visitors

When i started writing my blog, it was really all about expressing my thoughts because part of the process is that, I introspect.

I was not even thinking of my responsibility towards readership. But to boost my ego, I often check who visited my blog.

I get excited to see those flags being displayed because that means that there are people who have viewed my blog.

I still would choose to be candid about who I am when expressing but have acquired some ethical discipline and one is that I cannopt exactly reveal names of people.

This is such a small world and I have to give the benefit of not mentioning their names but I really have to say what pisses me off with their attitudes and behaviors.

My gratitude to those who have learned to love this blog the way or not the same way I love it!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

mirror on the wall

I would like to be the best Nana this world could ever produce!

When everything else seems so wrong, I only have to pull-out some strength from my grandson, Baby Zak. He could have some tantrums but it does not stop me from cuddling this sweet little creature!

That mirror on the wall is one of his favorites! When I carry him and look at our images - he will show off his very best smile!

the worst boss(es)

Of course, I was not able to blog yesterday.

Something happened in the office that troubled me. Two of the staff had a fight and I can't believe that they have thrown accusations with each other that I think are very unnecessary.

The most challenging actually that I have to deal are the attitudes and behavior in the office. It is terrible that "people who keep on pointing at each other as bossy" are actually the people who are bossy and not mindful of others.

I have I think 3 of them who are the best bossy and yet they do not realize it.

Bossy # 1 - Someone who complains that the other one is bossy when he/she deep inside is bursting with "wanting to do what he/she thinks is right, when the work is wrong". The funny thing is that "when asked to repeat the work he/she would snub, would vibrate anger terribly that he/she would want to tell everyone that he/she is better than the rest of the world and the one in authority. And the most insensitive being and he/she thinks he/she is the smartest ever. Help him/her Oh God!

I just really hope that he/she does not make mistakes too often to save his/her face because he/she does not accept mistakes.

Bossy # 2 - Someone who is obviously bossy in voice and in actions but he/she cannot accept that he/she is like that. He/she gets hurt when accused of.

Bossy # 3- Someone who is not obviously bossy because he/she manifests as quiet but really have that "bursting bossy feeling" inside.

It is terrible that they do not seem to realize that "they are" whom they think the others are to them. Pointing fingers to one another when they cannot see themselves from the eyes of the others.

It is not bad to be bossy when one is the boss.

What is bad is when at the start of your career, you are not showing the discipline of "how to be a good follower". Because if one does not know how to follow, he/she would end up the worst boss ever".

To them, I hope they somehow and someday realize that.

Friday, October 29, 2010


That's me and that little scorpio inside the glass!

We are connected in many ways because my zodiac sign is Scorpio. I sting also. But not as dangerous as that arachnid.

This is my moment. I have to seize what I can seize!

Today I had a heavy toll but again tested my powers har har har. I am kinda tired so I will write about it tomorrow.

Cheers to the Scorpions!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

fried peanuts

I went out for field work today. The most fun part of going out is when I drive. Many times before I always said that "driving is a therapy" for me. The fun thing when I am driving is when I have someone whom I can throw jokes and candidly talk about just anything else.

Or have my favorite music played. When I sing out loud. And have my favorite fried peanut with me. Today, I bought fried peanuts in a bus terminal and I did not expect how good it tasted.

Well there are some that taste like "hell" in that I could puke.

But this one, I regretted buying only 4 slim plastic packs worth php 20.00.

Because it was one of the best tasting peanuts from an unlikely place.

Now I am asking the relevance of these peanuts with my wellness.

Maybe because this is "food for the brain" and I don't want to lose my memory yet. Or maybe because for sometime I stopped eating this because I was afraid that it would trigger a pimple outbursts on my face. And now that I have aged, pimples are not likely to come out on my face.

I think because these peanuts keep me awake when I really feel so drowsy while driving. Or so many reasons I can think of.

But most of all because these peanuts even for its insignificance made me feel good today!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Of course, you can’t unfry an egg,
but there is no law against thinking about it.
by don harold

you make me complete

When I first saw Tom Cruise said "You complete me" in a movie, I thought it was so romantic. But today, I think it is one grand crazy thought.

"Why can't I be complete without a man by my side? It is crazy because there is no way one can reach-out for completeness from someone else, except yourself".

That is what I told my friend last night. That was with reference to our conversation about love lost, leaving the marriage and husband, relationship issues that really is getting on my nerves because I have not got the guts to leave my husband. The same way as two of my friends did recently.

And I was referring also to my other friend who even inside marriage have been hopping from one man to another hoping to see where her "completeness" could be.

So I said to myself "Angie you can make yourself complete without any accessory of other people" (loved or not).

Just keep on loving and living.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

spending and saving

I just came home. I came from the wake of my friend's father.

But I am surprised that I was not into mourning even if I got all the provocations of a grand emotional download. Well because I was with my former boss and co-workers.

I am at ease with them because we have been together for many years. And the last time I saw my boss since I left the organization was in the year 2007. But there was a time when I saw him walking outside the store that I called him up to see me in my new world. That was recent.

It would be unfair to compare him with my new boss because they are two perspectives apart.

I often say this..."With my former boss, I have to think of many ways to spend our money, but with my new boss, I have to think many ways to save".

Today when I saw my boss, I missed him. He is fun to be with because he is very expressive. I always knew what he likes or what he does not like.

I am fond of my new boss, but I fear that I might not be making him happy. Because he is not so expressive.

Ohhh so different disciplines.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Only from the heart Can you touch the sky.

Rumi, Jalal-Uddin on Love

Kahlil Gibran on Love

Kahlil Gibran on Love

I am into Kahlil again. Just before I retire for the night.

It has been my habit to read poetry but with my busy schedule, I was not able to do it for the last 7 months I have been working.

I deserve this bliss.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Today is mine

Holy Planetrium!

My horoscope says that. Because the stars are with me today namely the sun, moon, venus and mars! I am not sure how all these planets will influence my daily needs but there is not much problem with me if everything goes great today!

Sometimes I just feel tired of feeling positive but I guess its more tiring to feel bad about everything and everyone.

Have a great day everyone!

Life in the Graveyard

Love possesses nothing and does not want to be possessed, because it is enough in itself. by Khalil Gibran [1883-1931]

The last time I quoted Khalil Gibran was when my father was about to die. I did not know yet (or was in denial that time) that he was going, but now I realized that indeed - I was "face to face" with death that night. The next day he did die.

I went to my grandmother's graveyard early today. I realized how interesting it is to see all the other tombstones with their birthdays and "deathdays" written on it. And one realizes again that "life indeed is too short". The "hypen" in between the dates made life that short.

When I was walking, it made me wonder "how will my own tombstone look like". I do not feel creepy at all when I think about it. But maybe when I am near my death, I would know.

Khalil's poems always wake- up my emotions.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

new face

a change of template could mean a lot...

let me see how I go with my favorite cup of coffee in my new template...

what is bothering me? nothing to write...

I visited the lazy artist's blog and saw Antas...I think he gained weight...

I am excited to tell my boss something on Monday...

I got Achie's email...

I sent pictures to Celin and Kaikai...

And again, I have to confirm again and again that

I am exactly where I am...

ha ha ha ha

Friday, October 22, 2010

exactly where I am meant to be

For so many moments in my life I always asked, if this is where I am supposed to be.

Today, when I was asking again...

I came across a message saying that ...

I am exactly where I am meant to be...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

be good at keeping a low profile

I read that yesterday from the news. It was something that Deng Xiaoping of China said. Oh I am not sure really of the spelling but those words he said struck me.

That I have to be good at being one. But I am one (har har har).

Being low profile have such a different " face" with me.

I really thought of myself as shy and inassertive for such a long time. And I wonder why some people around me thinks otherwise.

I am loud but not arrogant. Thus, Iam often misjudged.

Talking about ones thoughts is being transparent not arrogant. If it is bad, then I got that from bad genes. My father is so direct that when he sees something ugly, bad or not pleasant, he says so. And even if he does not mean more than that, everyone who hears would proclaim that he is arrogant.

But because he is my father, I should know when he is arrogant or not.

So I really know when I get that loud voice and become arrogant and be low profile.

There are people who got soft voice and yet very arrogant in thoughts and deed.

Then I am at equal footing with them by being misjudged.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Feeling fragile and frail

I should not be feeling that way. The last thing that I do not want my children to see from me is being fragile.

I have been just "getting it off me", bad moments that seem to be forever with me. I sometimes feel tired of always saying I am alright when everything else is crumbling down.

I was in a party last week. I should have not gone coz as I have said " I am so ocean deeply depressed because of some issues about economy"...and everyone laughed at what I have said seriously.

And when one friend commented on facebook that I was the "life of the party"...I felt great that even in my deepest loneliness I could still make some friends laugh and happy.

Maybe I should make myself happy too!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Answering back to parents

I did not fully understand the pain of anwering back to a parent until only now that I am a parent myself.

When I was a kid, I do answer every heck of something that is accused of me. I felt then that I have to answer or else I will be at the mercy. Or at least, I have said my piece and its upto them if they are going to hurt me or not.

I thought I am a better parent now, but I still have to say arrrghhhh "not so pleasant things and tone" to my son, Karl. I even used my own death which was so disgusting of me.

My son and I did not talk to each other since we both retire last night. He used to cuddle me a lot but last night he did not.

But today, he was up to embrace me and said "sorry". He is such a good son, but the hell with his mouth whom he cannot control to stop " anwering back at me" that way...He is so like me when I was his age. Grrrrhhhhhhhh!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Tonight with Baby Zak

My grandson is giving me this inner strength I think that makes me going. I have not really understood how a grandparent feels except that I always wanted to hurry back home to have time with him.

My other children are so sometimes jealous but I know they are matured enough to understand.

This feeling I got is nothing else in this world. I could give my last breath to him. The same way I could do for my children.

Eleven Minutes

I have read several books written by Paulo Coelho and "Eleven Minutes" is my favorite. It is fast paced and so real! And this article is I think very helpful to many who have several questions about expressing it (sex)!

As the article below mentions my name, I got it from Google Alerts. It was written by by Parul Tyagi and published in EzineArticles I do believe that the writer is going too far (in my opinion, sex is good because it is good) but I decided to republish it here…

Paulo Coelho’s book titled “Eleven Minutes” suggests that the “act of coming together” just takes about 2-3 minutes, while the remaining 9 minutes are no more than an attempt to reach the “crescendo” when a hormonal discharge provides ecstasy like none other!

Scientists have often debated that sex is extremely beneficial for our health, but the lack of sex in good measures can have negative effects. On the other hand, too much sex can also be harmful; if you indulge in sex for more than 3 times a week, you are exposing yourself to the risk of a weaker immune system as well as vulnerability to infections…

1. The balance of your mental and emotional health is definitely influenced by sex. While abstinence often leads to anxiety or paranoia and even depression…having sex can cure cases of light depressions. After having exercised sex, the brain releases endorphins that decrease stress and induce a wonderful state of euphoria.

2. For all you women, having regular sex means freedom from expensive salon treatments. An excellent beauty treatment, having sex actually doubles the level of estrogen in women and makes their hair shine with brilliance while making their skin supple and softer.

3. And if you want to love longer, then look no further than your own bedroom. According to a research carried out at Queens University in Belfast, Ireland, having regular sex increases the lifespan in humans. It was found that out of the people of the same age and health, those who had more frequent orgasms faced 50% less death rate than who people who didn’t have frequent orgasms.

4. Sex is an excellent deep-cleansing treatment as well. Since sex is a strenuous but enjoyable exercise, when you have sex the pores of your skin are cleansed leaving a brighter and glowing skin as well as decreasing the risk of developing dermatitis.

5. An inexpensive and pleasurable exercise, sex can make you lose weight. When you have sex after a candlelight romantic dinner, not only do you burn all the fat and carbohydrates you consumed, but you also stay healthy at no extra cost! Consider this: A single session of passionate, mind-blowing sex (even regular sex) can burn about 200 calories. This is equivalent to running for 15 minutes on a treadmill!

6. Ladies, if you like you man to have bulging biceps then have sex more often. Sex is a great way to strengthen muscles. Imagine the effort made by your man through those difficult pushes and flexions! Of course, it all depends on the stunts in your bed…but it’s definitely better than running for miles on miles.

7. Did you know that the more active your sex life, the more attractive and irresistible you become for the opposite sex? Really! An active sex life means that your body gets into the habit of releasing more pheromones, chemicals that attract all those gorgeous, luscious women! No wonder Casanova was so popular!

8. Sex can sharpen your senses; especially enhance your sense of smell. After sex, prolactin is released that activates the stem cells in the brain to form new neurons in the olfactory bulb. This helps to improve your sense of smell.

9. A pain reliever, sex is TEN times more effective than painkillers such as Valium. Just before orgasm, the hormone oxytocin’s level rises almost 5 times, leading to release of large amount of endorphins. Endorphins are natural painkillers and relieve you of pain, minor headaches, and migraines without any after effects. Next time your lady has a headache, treat her with a vigorous session of lovemaking rather than a Valium.

10. We all know that dentists’ bills can blow you off, but nothing can blow you like a good, deep French kiss! The act of Kissing stimulates salivation, which helps clean food particles stuck between the teeth and lowers the acidity level in your mouth. This is the primary cause of tooth decay. So kiss all you want, after all it’s a great excuse!

So my dear friends, sex is not just good for the mind, the body, but the wallet as well!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Beyond Opticals

Yeaterday my friendwas here to visit. It has been a long time so I was excited to see him.

I showed him our newsletter and he suggested to give it a name. Something that I have been delaying also because I have been busy in the store.

But because he is around and he really gives direct comments I thougt it was the right time.

I thought of "Beyond Opticals". With the caption "Monthly newsletter that captures the essence of people beyond work".

I think , I love it.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

getting sentimental and confused

Last night I really did not have time to get sentimental. I forgive myself for being one because it is the only way I can release some issues I cannot seem to express.

My husband called up the first time last night. I have not been pleasant with him.

It was good to talk to him about our children. He keeps on holding on to this marriage.

Maybe we can just stay like that. No one will ever understand me.

No one will.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I hope I do not lose my grip on strength.

Sometimes I also get tired of dealing with attitudes. That includes my own.

I am listening to Paolo Coelho while I am writing this.

I heard him say that when he was in the mental institution, he was free to do what he wanted to do (because everyone else is branded as "crazy").

In the real world, one seems to be always wrong. Yet everyone else do crazy things.

on being silent

When I am with someone I often feel if I am liked or not.

It becomes a mystery to me if the person I am with is silent.

There must be a reason.

It could be I screwed up or I did not.

I should be told.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

team-building activity

Last Sunday we were honored to have our boss, Sir Lal with us on this team-building activity. We had lots of fun with one another and I hope this activity made us all solid as a group. We went to Samal Island.
The last time I was in that place was when I brought my family and my father to the same place. While I was walking along the shores, I remembered him sitting on the water and talking to my children.
Now, he is gone. So very quick.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Singh is King

The staff and I were treated by our boss to one Indian dinner. It was sumptous and really exotic to my tongue.
I love the chapati, Indian flatbread. I spread some yogurt on it and ate it with the mongo (ha ha I forgot the name). I had 2 servings of it because my boss heard me say "I love this". It has black mung beans with "I am not sure what other stuff are in there". Ohh I was not sure if I was perspiring or had runny nose because it was spicy, anyway it was palatable to me.
The other dish with Garbanzos is fine with me. But plain to my taste. The same as the chicken dish. The rice dish was great also. I only tasted these other dishes but I liked most the mung beans, that brought my stomach really growling later at night.
The ice cream was so "yummy". The yogurt was great, too.
I am not so used to eating Indian food but this experience gave me the opportunity to love it. What was even great was that I had it with my boss and the rest of the staff.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

sound of silence

I am such a natural (extremely) silent and when with "loud" people...loud also... kind of a person. Well, some people who do not know me gets crazy around with me whenever I got those swings.

I have always been that way even when I was a kid. I remember enjoying the beach alone, staring nowhere and wondering always "what is there". But when some friends would join me, I could also be so wild with them running around the beach and kidding around.

I promise that I will be silent today. And I do hope that even if I get triggered, I won't be rattled. I want to practice calmness once more.

I think I forgot being calm for such a long time now. I have to.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

borrowed polo shirt

I was ironing my son's polo shirt (not his) and I was full of sentiments again because months from now, he will be in College and I am still broke. I do not know how to break that spell har har har.

Karlsen is so busy with all his activities in school and I cannot attend anymore to his needs. This polo shirt (I was ironing) was his classmate's and because I did not have time to buy him a new one for the dance today, he "borrowed".

My son, whom I do not hear complain much, just understands that there is no way I can buy him a new polo shirt. And makes me feel like I am so blessed with children who are not so demanding.

I would have gone crazy doing things to give them what they want.

I remember my own father who would do anything to provide us.

BY THE WAY, HE LOOKS DASHING IN THAT BORROWED POLO SHIRT. And because he looks really good today, he forgot to wear his ID so I have to go back to school from the office to give it back.

boss vs kids

I had a tough time pleasing my boss today!

I feel bad. Hope I have a different story tomorrow.

When I go home, it is tougher to be a mom!

But my kids love me the way I am.

My boss does not!

Monday, September 20, 2010

missing Kaiser

I thought, when my son became a father, that it was not the right time yet.
I think I was right in many ways, but there is just no way to question what it was that happened.
I might also be wrong. Maybe with this new set-up, Kaiser will prove to be his best especially that he got Baby Zak around.
I miss my son but I do not wish him to be forever clinging. It hurts me when I hear him say he is struggling.
I have not heard from him. It's the thought of him that made me go back to church last Sunday. I worry for him because he is not around me. If he will be around me, he will not learn his way with life.
I love him much. My other two children, I love much too. But he has chosen to leave me early. And hope he understands that I respect his decision and now I am letting him go.

feeling comforted

My heart was pounding loosely last night!

I did not know what to think for a reason. I thought it was something to do with my work. I dreaded doing that especially that I got a habit of thinking largely about decisions when I am lying down in the comforts of our sofa bed.

I sleep in the sala with my son. On that sofa bed with my favorite comforter, I feel rich. I feel comforted.

My God, life could really be that simple, and why are things complicated sometimes?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

my laundry, my life

Doing the laundry is fun, but with a truckload of clothes and beddings? It was exhausting.

Yesterday, I was so occupied with our laundry. Doing it seemed to be not a problem with me when I was not working but since I worked on a regular time in the store, I am not able to cope with it.

I was so exhausted that I slept in between. I slept at around 11 am right after the first set. And around 3 pm the second set. And I thanked God at around 6 pm for getting through it.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

taking it back

Yesterday I said something harsh to my mother.

Today, I take it back.

I realized that I should not really be harsh to something that is friction (alized!!!!). I dreamt of death last night and I think my mother could be having some pains in her body that could not be contained...maybe her anger towards me is the only way that that pain could be released.

It is okey then, even if it is not okey with me.

I now receive all her wrath for the soul of my father. In memory of my father, I should just take stride everything.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

special mention for cruelty

My mother is not that gracious and kind. She gets my award for "special mention for cruelty".

When she was here with me for many months, I think there was once or twice that I answered back because of really so "not like an ordinary mother" treatment to me. Since then, I did not talk to her.

Nobody will understand this.

But I got to be heard that there are really biological mothers that could kill their own children. My mother could be the top 5.

I just did not develop that kind and loving relationship with her. And I am glad I was able to express my love to my grandmothers. Now that my grandmothers are gone, I do not know if I care.

Now, I like to love my children. Coz it sucks to have a mother like mine that I cannot even describe.

And I really hope I do not turn out to be like her.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

got nothing

I just had lunch.

I had pancit with nothing in there but I think 4 pieces of chicken chunk and 3 cuts of carrots. But amazingly good at my palate. Or I have been really contemplating a lot I did not notice if the taste was amazing or terrible.

With my pancit is cassava cake. Not the best one but good too.

HHHmmmm just trying to be at my best, when I got really nothing.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Change rooms in your mind today

I love poetry a lot. Makes me gather some sense when all around me seems so senseless. Today I found one that I would want to internalize. Life has been so tough with me...

All the Hemisphere by Hafez

Leavethe familiar for a while.
Let your senses and bodies stretch out.

Like a welcomed season
Onto the meadows and shores and hills.

Open up to the roof
make a new water- mark on your excitement
and love

Like a blooming night flower,
bestow your virtal frangrance of happiness
and giving upon our intimate assembly


All hemispheres in existence
Lie beside an equator
in your heart.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


There were Saturdays when I really wished I was home. Today my Saturday was another ordinary one, but although I wanted to go home, I thought this time I dreaded to go home.

Ohhh because I really wanted to get away with bills to pay and to face domestic concerns and issues. If not for that one, I wanted to lie down on my bed and have one deep sleep.

Monday, August 9, 2010

snakes and my niece!

I could never never in my wildest dream touch or pose with those snakes! I have done crazy things in my life but not this thing that my niece tried. Arrrggghhhhh!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


A means of transportation called "habal-habal" in the Philippines. The first time I saw it was when I first visited Mindanao back in 1990s. I got amazed when it would race the hell of the buses and other vehicles in the highway. Great really with the real skillful drivers but with great risks among the passengers.

But they claim the buses have more accidents than they are on the road hhhhhmmmmmmm.

That is a single motorcyle with attached two wooden planks on the side which carries at least 5 passengers each plank. If not humans, they carry sacks of market goodies such as rice, corn har har har.

Really amazing.

Like a cake!

Like a cake from afar! It's where my father lies in peace. Yes, my father is 6 feet under that stone. And I wonder where he is now?

Friday, August 6, 2010

fight cancer

Yesterday I was actually feeling so sick. But I was in front of my computer trying to write something about peace. So sad however that I was not able to write my best.

I hate it when I have the urge of writing and I cannot. And when I am given time to write, I suck. grrrhhh.

I got lost browsing and saw this video. And because when I hear cancer, I do remember my father who died of colon cancer a year ago. Whenever I see our pictures with him so fat beside me, I can't believe how he looked like when he was reduced into a thin piece before his death.

I am trying to be healthy in what I eat but I think a good disposition can be of great help. My father is a serious type that even when he is joking he looks extremely serious. Because he is so very intelligent, he would always think ahead of what others are thinking. Sometimes it is irritating but I saw him turn into that serious type also into getting back into his childhood.

It was a pleasure taking care of him before his death. And I remembered now how it feels to be beside a father when I sleep beside him on his bedside. He would move for me to be comfortable instead of the other way around.

I stand against cancer.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hail Angie, the wooden dragon

Let me carry myself for this moment. In the office yesterday, I was happy to have visitors who have one way or another has given me the opportunity to confirm certain attitudes that I have observed with people I got to work with. I have been trying to test myself on coming up with impressions with people I meet and somehow I grade myself with 90% right (har har har) when it comes to identifying real "attitudes".

And yesterday was full of revelation because I was given the gift of having people whom I do not necessarily know but were "bringer of good news". I know that they also did not conciously present things in a way that I have gotten the message but still were confirmations.

I really hope I could balance all things because I always wanted a role of being the "bringer of peace" too. Let me see then my sign: I am a wooden dragon.

Shall I be the "light"?

The Dragon personality The Dragon is a creature of myth and legend. A symbol of good fortune and sign of intense power, the Oriental Dragon is regarded as a divine beast - the reverse of the malicious monster that Westerners felt necessary to find and slay. In Eastern philosophy, the Dragon is said to be a deliverer of good fortune and a master of authority. (Wooowwww, this is something great!) Therefore, those people born in Dragon years are to be honored and respected.

Years of the Dragon

Fifth in the cycle, Dragon Years follow the Rabbit and recur every twelfth year. The Chinese New Year does not fall on a specific date, so it is essential to check the calendar to find the exact date on which each Dragon Year actually begins

1904 * 1916 * 1928 * 1940 * 1952 * 1964 * 1976 * 1988 * 2000


The key to the Dragon personality is that Dragons are the free spirits of the Zodiac. Conformation is a Dragon's curse. Rules and regulations are made for other people. Restrictions blow out the creative spark that is ready to flame into life. Dragons must be free and uninhibited. The Dragon is a beautiful creature, colorful and flamboyant. An extroverted bundle of energy, gifted and utterly irrepressible, everything Dragons do is on a grand scale - big ideas, ornate gestures, extreme ambitions. However, this behavior is natural and isn't meant for show. Because they are confident, fearless in the face of challenge, they are almost inevitably successful. Dragons usually make it to the top. However, Dragon people be aware of their natures. Too much enthusiasm can leave them tired and unfulfilled. Even though they are willing to aid when necessary, their pride can often impede them from accepting the same kind of help from others. Dragons' generous personalities give them the ability to attract friends, but they can be rather solitary people at heart. A Dragon's self-sufficiency can mean that he or she has no need for close bonds with other people.

psssst! I wish I could show this to my boss and tell them to get rid of those people who are so greedy and like suckers who have no mercy to other people only because of some personal reasons read: greediness... har har har! And hope all my boss will not believe negative things about us here har har har And I have a problem of not following rules created by people who are not my boss har har har!

Ahemmmmm and this is me! The 1964, fyi.


Wood has a modifying influence and brings creativity to this sign. Questioning and liberal, Wood Dragons enjoy talking about original ideas and are open to other points of view. They are innovative, imaginative practical and appreciate art in each of its forms. Generally less pretentious than other Dragons, Wood Dragons have an ability to get along with other people. They have the essentials to build a prosperous and happy life for themselves. Still, Wood Dragons are outspoken and at times a bit pushy to quell everyone, even in the most friendly quarrel.

I believe it so har har har! I did not write the text (promise!). It is written in the books har har har!


People born in the Year of the Dragon share certain characteristics. The Dragon sign is an abbreviated way of characterizing that individual's personality. Following are features associated with the sign of the Dragon.

Fifth in order, Chinese name-LONG, sign of luck

Hour-7am-8:59 a.m. Month-April

Western Counterpart-Aries


  • Innovative
  • Enterprising
  • Flexible
  • Self-assured
  • Brave
  • Passionate
  • Conceited
  • Tactless
  • Scrutinizing
  • Unanticipated
  • Quick-tempered
That's it! I have to rest I got so overwhelmed with my characteristics har har har! But nonetheless I really want to appreciate myself once in a while for being me. When I hurt someone, I usually do it with my most positive intention of getting all wrong get corrected.

I am not usually guilty of saying something wrong of other people and I wish people around me should do the same! Amen!

leaving me again but to return soon

For my baby Zak!

My fairest child, I have no song to give you;
No lark could pipe to skies so dull and grey:
Yet, ere we part, one lesson I can leave you
For every day.

Be good, sweet child, and let who will be clever;
Do noble things, not dream them, all day long:
And so make life, death, and that vast for-ever
One grand, sweet song.

goofing with some serious thoughts

A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker.

Ambition is like love, impatient both of delays and rivals.

However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them? An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground.

The tongue like a sharp knife… Kills without drawing blood.

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.

Buddha said it all.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A happy grandmom

I wasn't sure if I was ready to be a granny when my son announced it last December...It was not difficult but not that easy for me too. Like a "soon to be mom" I had several questions on my mind.

But now, I love to be a granny anyway. When I feel that my son (his dad) is drifting away from me, that little bundle of joy is the way to have him closer to me.

Friday, July 23, 2010

to follow or not

Today, I had one tough moment in the morning with the staff. I really hate it when one does not follow what was instructed. It makes me MAD!

Why? Because I follow. I understand.

And when I say something that is not heeded, I think of it as mere ignorance. Can also be insubordination. Because whenever I do not want to follow, I ask questions. I have to express what I want to know. For me to be able to follow.

Even if I was branded as hard-headed and not following my parents when I was a kid, I know how to follow. I follow.

I am glad I am more tolerant now. I hope I develop more!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

lunch buddy

I have not in my whole life eaten lunch in front of an electronic device like this Asus notebook my dear, dear boss gave me (it is actually for the office but at least I was given the responsibility, so I love telling everyone "My boss gave it to me") Love, love it!

Since this one arrived two days ago, this became my lunch buddy. I am not into this kind of habit. The most solitary lunch I often do is eating alone at home and staring blankly on the wall and hurry to finish.

In a restaurant, I can eat alone but I have a strange feeling that I am being stared at...and when I look up, I do catch one or two looking at me. Not that I am paranoid, but I have observed that people do look at people eating alone just like "a criminal".

Eating is one favorite moment for me but having this Asus notebook with me in front is a totally whole new world for me!

Monday, July 19, 2010


Hey this is one of the cheapest original Rayban's I got in the store. But I still cannot afford it. Tried wearing it and get to feel an expensive Rayban.
Oh well here is another one. An original CK. Love it too! Come to our store and we got a lot of original sunglasses!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Kamla pictures

M'lang North Cotabato

After several hours of driving and selling the other day, this was a glorious day in the corn field of my friend. I have always been a beach person, having most of my memories near the sea so staying here for a while was a gift.
I had the chance to harvest those calamansi from the tree. This was around 6 am. It was a great experience even when we will soon be going home to the city, to our real world.
I am fond of cassava but only when cooked like cassava cake or when it is transformed into a suman. But this one was served to us is plain cassava. We had some leftovers of Mcdonald's butter and honey and the best local coffee ever.

There were some discomforts on my part but it was really because I miss my own home.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

listen, watch Charice perform!

This is one of my favorite songs because I cannot sing it perfectly. I always run -out of air wheeewwww!

And Charice's performance here is really awesome, great and breathless!

Proud to be Filipino!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

strength within

I was looking around for some pictures I have taken for my blog but instead saw this in my files. I remember reading something about this a year ago and because of some mutilations ( now I am not sure if this is mutilation) I cannot seem to write something about it.

I am not sure how strong I am. The woman in the picture must be so strong to carry that weight on her lips. I would want to know if she really want that plate placed in her mouth. Maybe given some choice, she would choose not to. But on second thought, maybe she likes it.

I just came from a trip to North Cotabato and in a strange and not so popularly peaceful place, I happen to have some moments of peace. Even when I was so tired, I just found some strength somewhere.

I wonder where I get some strength when sometimes I think all is tumbling down.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

how to love him more

Having my husband back was so very complex.

When I saw him in the airport wearing this big hat like a cowboy and the brown shades covering his face, I was not ohhhh so longing at all with him. I was unapproachable to him and I feel so guilty why I did not even pretend to be happy to see him.

I am not a bitch. But I really wished not to see him because I still remember how I have thrown tantrums and insults to him the last time he was here.

I wanted myself to heal.
I have written this a hundred times and I really hope, my husband was a bastard to deserve the way I treat him.

He is such a good man. I think I am good too for sticking out with him. My only difference with him is I express my disgust and dislike proudly and he does not.

I hope marriage will teach me how to love him more.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Without Sir Lal on his birthday

Yesterday was Sir Lal's birthday!

He is someone that has influenced me in so many ways not only in running his business but as well as my personal life. Of course he does not know it but his influence is with me whenever I come inside the store and office every morning until we shut down the operation at night.

He is missed because it is not too often now that we talk.

The celebration started at around 5 pm. We got ice cream, pancit, cake and softdrinks. We all prayed that he be given good health and that he be blessed more. We had fun and he was the only one missing on that occasion cause he is in his own store.

I met my friends later on and again it was like a celebration of his birthday cause I was treated for dinner. I only had baked scallops and San Miguel Light beer and had fun tasting their steak and grilled awful (awfully great) chicken. By the way, while parking I had a freak accident. Good that the vehicle didnt fall that "hard".

We had blueberry cheesecake. My favorite of all. And even though it didn't taste the same as what I am craving for still, it was a treat.

And even until driving my friend back home I felt I got all things right. I think even if he is not around, he was with me on that occasion to make me feel good.

Whenever I feel bad because of some things that did not get right in the store, he was the one who made me feel right about it all.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

complete emotions today

Juggling from some frustrations, to eagerness, to other emotions today! God, how I completed all kinds of emotions today without getting out of balance. Did I hurt someone today? From the time I woke up until I am writing this note, I still can't believe I survived today. I wanted to go back to writing. I am always.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

high- spirit

Today, I am in such high spirits because my grandson came back to us. When I fetched my daughter-in-law in the bus station, there was some kind of longing to see this little boy. I did not realize the kind of connection a grandmother has to a grandson only until such time that I had Zak.

It is Father's day today. It is Zak's first month since he was born. I had such a strange dream last night. It was not any dream that often forget when I wake up. Until now, it is in on my mind. I cannot believe I got all of that in a single special today!

I do not know if it was my father who was in my dream. Because he looks like my Sir Lal. But I cannot write the details. Maybe someday when I will be writing a book.

The dream still in my thoughts. But I am thinking more of the happiness I got with Zak around me.

I gotta go. I sleep beside him.

first month of zak